The Pearly King and Queen Dolls at UAL London College of Fashion

Making More Mischief: Folk Costume in Britain has arrived at UAL London College of Fashion at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park this spring and Pollock’s Toy Museum’s Pearly King and Queen have travelled across London to join the exhibition.

The exhibition is a collaboration with the Museum of British Folklore, considering how folk costumes are more than unchanging traditions from rural areas but can exist to show both metropolitan and contemporary identity

The pretty pair of German dolls which date from around 1900 were dressed as Pearly King and Queen by Lily Lodge, Pearly Queen of Lambeth in the early 1960s. They have have remained on show at the museum ever since. Lily also dressed a number of Pollock’s Dutch Dolls in pearly costumes which were sold in the museum shop.

A heated year long battle between the famous Pearly Marriott family of North London and Lily Lodge for the Lambeth title took place in 1956/7, and although the Marriott’s won officially, Lily Lodge continued to claim the title, and had ‘The Original Pearly Queen of Lambeth’ written in buttons on her costume jacket.

The founder of Pollock’s Toy Museum Marguerite Fawdry collaborated with her friend, author Pearl ‘Polly’ Binder, recording the traditions and history and traditions of the Pearlies.

Pearly Kings and Queens continue to be part of London’s character today and they remain dedicated to raising money for London-based charities.

To see more visit Making More Mischief at the London College of Fashion which is open from the 9 April – 22 June 2024.

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